This year’s Dublin Web Summit was bigger than ever, growing more than double last year’s size to a staggering 10,000 attendees. Paddy and team continued their awe-inspiring rush to the top of the pile of tech events. It’s still run like the startups the the event is all about – sometimes rough & ready, “good enough” at most things and doing one thing really, really well – bringing together anyone who’s anyone in the tech world in a flurry of great talks, fantastic networking and all kinds of amazing.
Technology Conferences and Enterprise Summits – December 2013

Photo Credit: WebSummit
With winter closing in on the northern hemisphere and Christmas approaching, it’s clear that December is not a prime month for conferences and summits. There are, however, still tech events happening around the globe for those who want to attend. This month we have also added listings for conferences focused on web development.
HAPI days: HeyStaks API helps developers to make their own social search applications
We were delighted to launch our developer programme at the Dublin Web Summit last week and also to announce the small matter of €800K in venture funding that we raised earlier this year. We raised the funding to help us build out the platform and infrastructure for the HeyStaks API (which we’re affectionately calling HAPI!) and to support our initial customer engagements.
HAPI can be used to make any search environment social. Driving higher conversions on eCommerce sites through personalized listings, creating superior context-aware mobile search experiences, reducing search effort and duplicated efforts for educators, students and enterprises. All can now be achieved without without having to invest in new search infrastructure.
It’s a very exciting time for us as a team, and we can’t wait to see what wonderful uses people make of our platform. The full text of last week’s press release is below, so enjoy and get building!
Technology Conferences and Enterprise Summits – November 2013

As we settle back down into the HeyStaks office after a highly successful Dublin Web Summit, we give you our comprehensive list of forthcoming technology, business and enterprise conferences for November 2013.